Monday, December 1, 2008

Words That Should Never Be Used

The first in an occasional series

1. of or pertaining to a norm, esp. an assumed norm regarded as the standard of correctness in behavior, speech, writing, etc. (

This is one of those words academics like to spooge all over people, and the vulnerable ones lap it up and spit it back out all too eagerly.

I've been seeing this word everywhere, lately. An example: "Heteronormative dating" -- which means that which is considered standard dating procedure for heterosexuals. You know: how straight people do.

I understand how the word "normative" might be necessary for slogging doctorate dissertations or psychological manuals. But in conversation? In normative inter-communal banter?

When ideas that pertain to the masses use the vocabulary of a select few, it seems to be an exercise in self-love, posturing and general lameness. I won't use the term douchey, or douchebaggery, because these are ugly words, but you get my meaning. Narcissism, however, is besides the point: it does a disservice to whatever the idea was in the first place. Words and ideas should be accessible to people. All people. As in, Homosapien Normative people.


Anonymous said...


Porcupine said...

why thank you, ZenDenizen.