So, huh, what to say? It's August 29th in the year of your lord 2006, and kids are back in school learning that the world is one giant popularity contest, and the losers shall suffer crippling, billowing injustice which only death can relieve, while the winners will ignore it or opine fleetingly on blogs.
oh for chrissake porcupine...
ok, ok, i was just kidding. Here's a cute story. My two nieces have a sleep over at my house a couple days ago. This is a very big deal. My younger niece packed her pink barbie suitcase at 6:30 a.m. that morning and lugged it around with her all day. We have a great time. I'm talking ice cream, Baja Fresh, running around playing soccer, watching Chronicles of Narnia and a general poignant and heartwarming display of familial bliss. The same younger niece, who says things like "I yuv you" and who has astutely observed her aunt's deficient home-making habits, pulls me aside before going to bed.
"Bua ji?" She is earnest. "Do you make breakfast?"
"Yes, my dear, indeed I do." (I am, apparently, British in this memory.)
She starts nodding.
"Good," she says. "Because I get very hungry in the morning."
The poor child thought I wouldn't feed her. Remind me to not put a bun in the oven anytime soon.
In other words: Troops, stay the hell out of my uterus. Or if you visit, just don't stay. Did I really just post this?
10 years ago
ooops sorry, I accidentally used your name. Totally my bad. Please delete.
hahahah! But Aruna, it's a vital source of future Americans.
In other news, there are days when I think the word IS one giant popularity contest.
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