So, here we go, "combating" terrorism without the least bit of effort going into defining our terms, or understanding a bloody, violent and horrendous global history in which the we have played a grubby and big part. It's like a bandaid on a heart attack.
Not looking for some gratuitous political correctness in this article -- an article that, by the way, buys into a bigoted, false premise that Islam equals terrorism. Check out the headline that says, "New Focus Is On Terrorism, But Training Is Struggling to Keep Up" and the first five grafs talk about "Islam, Arabic culture, and understanding the terrorist mindset"-- all in the same malignant, insidious sentence.
No, I hate the kind of political correctness that stifles peoples abilities to be themselves or communicate honestly.
But I am looking to combat terrorism. And to that end, I'm looking for some intelligence, some fact, some context rather than a writer and a paper that has bought into an assumption that they hate us because, well, they are Muslim or Arab, and, shucks, shrug and sigh, that's what they do for sport. Now let's learn about Mecca. Okey dokey. Yawn. That about sums it up. This is not how you fight and end terrorism, in my not so humble opinion.
10 years ago
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