For you non-O's fans out there, know this: October 9, 1996, lives on as the single worst day in my Oriole memory. It's Bruckneresque in its devastation. I've never recovered from the injustice of it. Say what you will, but the seedling of all current Yankees mojo and all current Orioles misfortune lies in the palm of this little motherfucker's hand.
By Dave Sheinin
"This is a story about fate, a story about a curse -- if you care to believe in such things. It is a story about coming to grips with them, and maybe, just maybe, reversing them. It is a story about a 12-year-old boy in a black T-shirt who is now a polished 22-year-old man with a marketable talent. And it is a story about a beleaguered baseball team that may be preparing to take a wild stab at manipulating fate by confronting it head-on.
Jeffrey Maier, a future Baltimore Oriole? Oh, dear heaven. The blood of Orioles fandom boils at the very thought of the name, let alone the thought of such a traitorous alliance.
My brother comments, adding political context:
"the jeff maier thing confirms how low the orioles have sunk--kinda like the democrats"
10 years ago
1 comment:
Wow, somebody call the Waaaambulance. Dial "whine-one-one" already. What's sadder than a team in search of a championship? A team in search of a curse. What, just because Boston finally won one you think there's an opening for a new scrappy cursed team? OK, I guess. If you need that for your team to have some sort of identity and sell tickets. Kind of pathetic, though, don't you think? ;-)
And don't blame the kid. A 12-year-old O's fan would've done the same thing if that ball had been coming at him at Camden Yards. The ump's the one who blew the call.
Amazing story, though. I'd love to see that kid in an O's uniform. Hilarious.
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