So Barack Hussein Obama is the 44th president of the United States...a relief after the collective gulag that was Bush. Obama, true to promises, has taken the first step by requesting a 120-day halt to the torture-allowing trials at Guantanamo Bay. He has reaffirmed his commitment to end torture overall. And he has expressed solidarity with peace loving people anywhere.
Then, today, he bombs at least five people at the Afghan-Pakistani border.
This is a continuation of a Bush policy of "rooting out terrorists" on the border of those two countries, supposedly where bin Laden and his friends hang. It is a policy that has suffered little or no public debate, no thought to consequences or, in military terms, effectiveness.
I hate to ruin the collective post-coital/inaugural cigarette inhale, but from what I've heard, Pakistan (and therefore Afghanistan) -- more than Iraq, North Korea, Iran and your mom -- pose the single greatest threats to long-term global security. The deprivation and the poverty, combined with the lack of infrastructure, the 70+percent illiteracy statistics, lawlessness and, um, nuclear weapons makes these places very important. Not only to rid the world of genuine terror, but to make way for stability for everyone there and here.
Can we at least talk about this Mr. Obama? I'd like to know if these missile strikes are necessary. I would like to know why American generals are so concerned about America invading Pakistani sovereignty and inflaming and radicalizing people, yet within a few days of your presidency, your continuation of this Bush policy has not even been subject to explanation or, better yet, debate.
It is already hitting CNN, albeit with little fanfare or surprise. Now that we're lying cozy in bed together, can we talk about this please?
10 years ago
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