It was a musty, caloric hiatus but, my friends, Porcupine has returned from the thrilling arcades of the old country and has taken up residence in cyberland. Now unemployed (and loving it!) Porcupine plans to sit on various beds and couches across the land and shape a less murky future. P also wants to earn money.
In the meantime, here's hoping you enjoy the acid rants and bilious pontification and occasional loving tribute to a pop icon. As well as photographs and videos. Please comment only with criticism and relentless mocking.
By the way, I am currently watching television with my parents, two aunts and an uncle from India, and of course -- of course -- there's a pharmaceutical advertisement that closes with rapid fire warnings of breast tenderness, sexual dysfunction and other awful things to hear while you're sitting with your parents and relatives from India.
10 years ago
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