Get thee to a punnery, Porcupine!
So I know this constitutes news-to-drool-over for Washington insiders and politicos, but President George W. Bush granting clemency to the man convicted of lying about the Valerie Plame CIA leak was greeted with a decided yawn and Vhatever, by my mother when I told her about it, all excited. Her eyes glazed over. I might as well have been talking about granting clementines to the man convicted of lima beans.
10 years ago
I totally understand why it is symbolic and another notch on a degraded totem, why it flies in the face of promises made for accountability and I understand the consequences of unhinged power and unchecked corruption, but this seems so microcosmic as to be microscopic. You know?
I kind of am with Hitchens on this one, to be honest. I think it's bigger (and better) news that Leahy is seriously bringing up charges of contempt on the White House. We'll see if he has the balls for it.
I'm sorry Alt Frames, but this blog is allergic to the word "Hitchens". I get why he's revered and a source of enlightenment and why his many a brilliant turn of phrase bring him followers. But right now he sucks, in my opinion. Until he stops stucking, he's like Voldemort.
Not that this is censorship or anything. Um, maybe it is. I will link to previous posts about why I feel this way.
Yeah, he pretty much sucks. But the fact that Bush commuted the sentence just underscores the fact that there are even bigger assholes to jail.
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