On the elevator today, I dropped my sunglasses right on the elevator track as the doors were closing. I stared, immobile and unresponsive as they were about to be crushed. My co-passenger, a fine young gentleman in a suit, kicked up his foot and used his Italian shoes to stop the doors and save my $12 CVS purchase that often makes me look way hotter than I really am. I was so happy.
"This is the most exciting thing that is going to happen to me all day," I said, happily.
He laughed, a little, then paused. "Oh. That's depressing."
In other news, there are several great things to note:
On Saturday, Ridonkucris and Mermaid tied the knot. It was great fun, the weather was amazing, the friends I talked, danced and laughed with all made me remember that life is amazing, especially when you have people around you who aren't fucking ass holes. Plus, I got a free CD and a bottle of wine out of the deal. There was much laughter and even some tears. A shout out to the happy couple now honeymooning on the ocean. Will they blog while on their honeymoon? I think not. And yet, and yet, I double-dog-triple-dare them.
Now, as life settles back into the glacially slow and unhappy work routine, I will try to spend more time on this blog, sharing stories, postulations, rants, hypotheses, analysis and more on this, that and whatnot.
Thank you and goodnight.
P.S. Sean worried that he was responsible for my extended blog silence. Let's all remember that Porcupine can never be silenced by anyone! Except the vastness of her own paralyzing self doubt, so there!
10 years ago
Porc, I love you. Really. You rock.
It's awesome that I'm not a fucking asshole.
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