Today, I had to look up the meaning of the word "incantation." I vaguely understood it as some kind of chant, or whisper, or blessing but I couldn't get a fix on it even though I've heard it and read it plenty. I still needed a precise definition.
So I pulled it up on the Web and felt dumb when I finally saw its meaning spelled out, because I already knew it. That information was sitting idly somewhere in my brain, but I was unable to call it up.
This has happened several times this week and I'm hoping it's not some kind of premature dementia. That would suck. My gut tells me it's more likely all the television and the computering in my life. I think the endless stream of inane and unimportant information pouring into my brain has no exit and has settled and hindered access to certain parts of it -- like, the smarter parts -- and is slowly wearing it down and dulling my synapses like thick globules of arterial obstruction do to hearts. Symptoms: forgetfulness, inertia, incoherent blog postings, and a flimsy wrist. It is so bad, in fact, that I think of what a 1970s, cocaine-addled David Bowie might sing to me:
...Ground control to Porcupine
Your circuit's dead, there's something wrong--
Can you hear me Porcupine?
Can you hear me Porcupine?
Can you hear me Porcupine? Can you ...
Here am I floating round my tin can, far above the moon
Planet Earth is blue and there's nothing I can do
Man, I love Bowie.
Anyhow, this is a public service announcement to you and to an over-Webbed and t.v.'d me to meditate, do yoga, exercise and be mindful or any combination thereof. It will keep at bay the inevitable insanity that comes with our Western generations' irresponsible overexposure to Britney Spearsish stimuli.
Now I am going to watch "The Office."
10 years ago
Hear! Hear!
We just got Verizon fiber-optic TV and internet, and let me tell you, I hardly watch. Carolina, not much more than me.
I have been going to the gym this week, and all those presumably withered-away brain cells have come back in full force.
Side note: don't be a stranger. Call us or email us.
But dude.. "Heroes" is SO GOOD! And "Grey's Anatomy," and "24" and "Lost." Oh! And "America's Next Top..." ..uhh...that is..I mean..Football! Yeah, and trucks! Grrr!
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