My new mentee, Anum, 9, and I are getting to know each other. We both happen to speak Urdu (ok, i barely speak it, but whatever) and are chatting with each other in that language when a look of recognition passes across her face. She does an exaggerated gasp, the way kids do:
"Are you from Baltimore?" she asks.
"No, why do you ask?"
"You look like you're from Baltimore."
"Really? How do people from Baltimore look?"
"Well," she says, checking out my hair and face, "People from Baltimore look tired. It's an hour away."
Outta the mouths of babes. She's a nice kid, though.
10 years ago
Trust the kiddies to be honest with you. There was this one little 5-year-old girl, Grace, who I used to coach. At our swimteam banquet, I was wearing an assymetrical dress with just one strap, and you could see my tan line, as I had spent the summer coaching and guarding.
Grace came up to me and said, "[Mermaid], you should NOT be wearing that."
I asked why.
"Because you've got tan lines and that's JUST not attractive," she replied. This is the same kid who repeatedly pointed it out when I had chlorine stains on my shirt, and never let me live down the day I had a hole in my shirt.
I very much like your blog - this post in particular made me smile.
Ahh, kids. Classic Porcumoment.
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